Saving CeeCee Honeycutt: A MUST Read

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - Posted by Allie Anderson at 10:40 AM
Okay Ladies (and gentlemen, if you feel the urge to read a slightly girly book),

You must read Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. It is a charming story set in Savannah, Georgia (that's for you, Jessica and Emilie). The writing style is delightful and the characters are heartwarming. The perfect book for the plane, bus, or car.



P.S. This post is evidence of my ceaseless boredom. Italy and my internship just can't come soon enough.

MPH Cohort IX: I want to hear about your summer adventures

Friday, April 22, 2011 - Posted by Allie Anderson at 7:30 PM
I'll get straight to the point. Without the lab, I will be lonely. So, I figured a blog is the next best thing, right? I want to hear about Becca's beautiful wedding, Kelsey's travels in Europe, Emilie's life in Denver, Josh and Kendall in the Big Apple, Jessica in North Carolina, Amber promoting breastfeeding in Wisconsin, Mallory at the clinic, Justin at the Nation's capital, Paul and the DOTS program, Perla on the border, and me living the dream at the parent's house. So, appease me....and learn how to blog :)